Of-By-and For the People! Ron Heady - Talking Education - Big Picture AND Tennessee!

Of-By-and For the People! Ron Heady - Talking Education - Big Picture AND Tennessee!

Show notes

This week Ron Heady joins us to talk about our educational system - big picture and TN!

Ron Heady is a leader in Braver Angels TN and a retired educator. With over 40 years in public schools as high school and middle school teacher; executive vice president for national whole school reform standards based design team in late 1990s; experience with on ground, hybrid, and virtual instruction with children, adolescents, and adults. Now volunteer with organizations promoting social justice and civil discourse.

Conversations centered around the American Experiment from the conference table to the dinner table. Brought to you by The Rug Rack and Home Decor: www.rugrack.com

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